Showing posts with label monthly wrap-up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monthly wrap-up. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2023

Month in Review: April 2023


It's been another weird, busy month. My reading slowed down a bit once again, but I'm really just trying to go with the flow these days. I am also flabbergasted that we are somehow already in May and it's stressing me out because there are things my husband and I planned to do at the beginning of the year that have been continuously delayed and now we are almost into summer (!?) and it's just baffling and I've given up on any semblance of control in my life lately. I don't really have much to share from the month of March, which is honestly probably a good thing, haha, because I don't know if my brain can really handle any more stress or anxiety these days. Books and aerial are the two things keeping me sane these days, and I have to say I am so grateful to have two hobbies that bring me so much joy and comfort. :)

Although I didn't get through as many books as I'd hoped to, I still read some great books in April. I finally managed a re-read of Master of Sorrows, a book I read a number of years ago and loved, as well as caught up with eh sequel, Master Artificer, and both books were fantastic. I am not ready for the third book in this trilogy and cannot wait for it! If you haven't checked out this fantasy series and like something pretty epic in scope, then you should definitely give it a read. I also really liked Justin Lee Anderson's The Lost War and am thrilled to have another new series to get excited about. As always, I've shared what books I read in April and all my blog posts as well below, so feel free to check those out. I didn't get as many reviews up as I'd hoped to, but I still got some reviews up for some pretty exciting releases that I had fun with. I've been behind on everything lately and I'm really trying to catch up. 

All that being said––how was your April? What books did you read? Let me know in the comments, and I hope you all have a wonderful May!

# books read: 8

Master of Sorrows (The Silent Gods #1) by Justin Call (re-read)
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This was a re-read and it reminded me just how much I loved this book! Definitely a top fantasy series for me.

Master Artificer (The Silent Gods #2) by Justin Call
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This is the sequel to Master of Sorrows and wow does it get intense. It's hard to believe sometimes how far this book comes just from the first page to the last page, and it's a journey well worth adventuring on.

The Lost War (The Eidyn Saga #1) by Justin Lee Anderson
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This was such a fun start to a new fantasy! I'll have a review up later in May probably closer to its release, but put it on your TBRs if you're looking for an awesome new fantasy.

Paradise-1 by David Wellington
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This was a crazy action-packed sci-fi horror/thriller that I had a fun time. I always love a good 'virus' in space premise.

The Thick and the Lean by Chana Porter
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: I had some mixed feelings about this one. I thought the general premise was really interesting and I definitely have my interest piqued most of the time, but it's that I had to sort of make myself read and I didn't really feel that invested in the story or the characters that much.

In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: This was a bit disappointing, if I'm being honest. I already posted a review where I shared my thoughts, but this one just didn't click with me like some of Klune's previous books did. 

Small Game by Blair Braverman
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This had an awesome premise, but I don't think it had the best execution and it was kinda weird, but it absolutely kept my attention and I had a good time, so.. not bad?

Wildblood by Lauren Blackwood
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: This book was all over the place. I loved certain aspects and thought it tackled some pretty intense topics, but it also really struggled with others. 

Lost Boy by Sassafrass Lowry
I might go back and finish this Peter Pan-inspired story one one day, but not anytime soon. This isn't quite what I expected it to be and the writing was just a little off for me to really be able to get into the story. I felt like there wasn't much explanation or things and it was all supposed to be inferred, which is fine as a general storytelling device, but I'm not sure it was really working in this case. 

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Blog Memes:
Top Ten Tuesday:
Self-Published Fantasy

Can't-Wait Wednesday:

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Month in Review: March 2023

Well, somehow we're through another month of 2023. It's been a rough year, man. How was everyone's month? It has been so unseasonably cold and wet in California this year and it's been a wild ride. We've got a consistenly leaking bedroom roof, kitchen window, and living room window, and just last week our neighbors knocked on our door to let us know that our detached garage's roof was not draining properly and had water pooled all up in it and that it might cave in. So, yay! (For reference, they live in a big beautiful two story house that can easily see the roof of our one story abode from their second floor windows, if that seemed confusing.) And for the icing on the cake, our heater broke a couple days ago and I'm typing this in the biggest, fluffiest robe I own with gloves and a beanie and three layers of socks! I've definitely grown up in a warm climate and am admittedly a huge wimp, haha. But for all my complaining, I'm still very grateful that we even have a home to avoid the elements in and a really nice neighborhood with caring neighbors. 

But on the bright side, my reading was much better in March! I really tried to focus and take my time with reading this month while also removing pressure to get through books, and it really helped. I caught up on a bunch of series and read some really fantastic books. Highlights include The Tyranny of Faith, Makanuele Rumble, A House with Good Bones, and The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill. I also managed to get a lot of reviews up in March in attempts to stay on top of things, so that feels pretty good also. I need to catch up on some blog comments and visiting other blogs, so if you haven't heard from me in a while I apologize and I'll hopefully be stopping by soon. :) 

So how was your March? What books did you read? Any new favorites (or new least favorites)? Let me know!

# books read: 12
The Tyranny of Faith by Richard Swan
Source: Publisher | Format: Hardcover
Thoughts: This was such a fantastic sequel! I had such an enjoyable time reading this book and am really wishing I could just go ahead and read the third book already!

A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: My review for this is already up and I loved it! T. Kingfisher always delivers with her horror and I can't get enough of it. 

The Bone Shard War by Andrea Stewart
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This was a pretty solid conclusion to this trilogy. I'm still a bit up and down on the series as whole, but it's one I'd definitely still recommend as a great fantasy trilogy.

The Sapphire Altar by David Dalglish
Source: Publisher | Format: Paperback
Thoughts: Another great sequel! I'm not sure if I had quite as much fun with this one as I did the first book, but still an incredible installment. 

The Exiled Fleet by J.S. Dewes
Source: Libby | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: I'm not sure if it's because I read this so much longer after I read the first book, but I just didn't love this book quite as much as The Last Watch. That being said, it was still a very thrilling and exciting ride and I love what Dewes did with this story. 

The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Rowenna Miller
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: Another delightful book from Rowenna Miller! This was a very charming story full of fae intrigue and clever bargaining and I had a great time. 

Makanuele Rumble by Travis M. Riddle
Source: Author | Format: eARC
Thoughts: I am loving this series so much and this was an amazing additional installment. 

What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety by Cole Kazdin
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC
Thoughts: This was a really fascinating and thoughtful examination of society's struggle with food, eating, and all the mental challenges that come with that. I didn't love the author's writing at all points, but overall I would absolutely recommend this one to anyone struggling with the aforementioned topics.

The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber
Source: Libby | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This was a fun sequel to Once Upon a Broken Heart, but I can't say it really did all that much for the series. I'll probably keep reading and finish the trilogy out when the next book comes, but I feel like it'll probably remain a three star series for me. 

A Fire Among Clouds (Codex Black #1). by Angel de Santiago
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This was fun! This was sent to me by the publisher and I wasn't expecting it, but I'm glad I read it. I think it's definitely a bit on the younger side, but still so much fun and I loved the Mesoamerican setting and focus. I would happily keep reading this series and recommend it.

Hooked by Emily McIntire
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This is another Peter Pan-inspired dark romance that was recommended to me, and while it wasn't the best I've read, it was still pretty fun. I might check out some of the other books in this series from the author in the future sometime.

Riot House by Callie Hart
Source: Library | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: Another one recommended to me, and again not a favorite, but still pretty entertaining overall. 

None! At least, none I can remember...

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Blog Memes:
Can't-Wait Wednesday:

Friday, March 3, 2023

Month in Review: February 2023

February has been a true whirlwhind–has it been hectic for anyone else? This latest storm we've had here in Southern California has absolutely thrown us for a loop and as much as I love the rain, I think I'm pretty much done with it at this point, haha. We officially have four big leak points in the house we're renting, the largest of which is in our bedroom and has grown so much that I'm genuinely concerned about the structural integrity of the ceiling at this point (and we won't even think about the other potential issues...). So far, it's stayed far away from my bookshelves, so the important things have been saved, at least. Let's cross our fingers that that's the end of the rainy season for us!

This was probably one of my worst reading months I've had in... well, a really long time. 🤣 Things have been very chaotic in my life reading has been really hard to fit in. At least half the time I actually have had time to sit down and read like I want to, I end up being too stressed or anxious to actually focus very well on the book, so it's just been a slow process. I'm really hoping that March calms down a little, but I'm not sure if that will be the case–at this point, I'm already just rooting for a good second half of the year, haha! The best reading news I have from the month of March is that I finally read The Fall of Koli, the third book in the Rampart Trilogy which I've been procrastinating on since it came out, and it was amazing, as expected. 

My slow reading also meant my blog activity was a bit slow as well, and I apologize if I've been a bit AWOL with commenting and visiting blogs and everything–I've been trying to catch up when I can, but it's taking me a while. :) I'm starting to realize that me reading a number of 2023 ARCs early at the end of 2023 was a life-saving move because March is pretty full with reviews so far (as long as I can finish them all!) so I'm hoping it will be a more active month. I'm currently reading a number of fantastic books, including the newest upcoming Jekua release, Makanuele Rumble by Travis Riddle, The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Rowenna Miller, and The Sapphire Altar  by David Dalglish. I'm moving slowly through them all, but I'm really enjoying them all as well. 

How was your reading month of February?? What books did you read? Let me know!

# books read: 6

The Fall of Koli (Rampart Trilogy #3) by M.R. Carey
Source: Publisher | Format: Paperback
Thoughts: What an ending! M.R. Carey wrapped this trilogy up incredibly well and I can't believe it took me so long to finally read this.

Chaos & Flame by Tessa Gratton & Justina Ireland
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This was a really fun and unexpected read! I enjoyed this introduction to a new fantasy world and found the characters really engaging. 

The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: I didn't connect with this one quite as much as I'd hoped to, but it was still a fun new sci-fi world to explore, and I think this will be a big hit for mystery fans. 

Tantalus Depths by Evan Graham
Source: Audible | Format: Audiobook
Thoughts: This was such an interesting sci-fi. I think it went a little too heavy into info dumping at times and had a very hard sci-fi feel to it occasionally, but overall I thought the plot itself was fascinating and I would happily read more from Evan Graham in the future. 

Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: I have a lot of mixed thoughts on this one. I liked some aspects, but also just couldn't really get into this. I can see a lot of people liking this one, though!

The Broken Darkness by Theresa Braun
Source: Author | Format: Physical ARC
Thoughts: This was a really fun collection of short horror stories. I was very impressed by Theresa Braun's creativity and was excited to explore each story. 

The First Bright Thing by J.R. Dawson
Why: I will absolutely be finishing this book! This is temporary DNF because I had a feeling once I started it that I was really going to like it, so I wanted to wait to read it in a month where I could hopefully give it a bit more focus. It's not out until June, so it felt reasonable to hold off on for now. But I can't wait to get back into it!

(other than reviews)

Can't-Wait Wednesday: