Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Few Bookish Things I'm Thankful For!

🍁Happy Thanksgiving!🍂🦃

Today, I though I'd keep it simple and just share a short list of bookish things that I'm ever so thankful for! I hope you all have a wonderful day if you're celebrating--and if you're not, well, I still hope you have a wonderful day!

1. Beautiful Covers

I'm not really sure if this one needs an explanation. Beautiful covers are a gift that none of us deserve but we all readily accept. Just look at some of these:

The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic (Grisha Verse, #0.5, #2.5, #2.6)Shades of GreyThe Graveyard Book
The Book of Lost ThingsHeartlessThe Secret Keepers

Seriously, are these even legal?

2. Naturally Naked Hardcovers
I cannot for the life of me recall what these types of hardcover books are called, so for now they are going by 'naturally naked.' Adhesive Case Wrapped books? I don't remember. Regardless, I really love hardcover that don't have a jacket and instead have the cover art printed right there on the naked cover. Examples:
The Watchmaker of Filigree StreetThe Secret History
I'm not sure if all The Secret History hardcovers have no jacket, but I bought mine secondhand and it has no jacket and it's lovely!

I know sometimes library binding editions do this, but not always.

3. Post-Its!

Post-It's are true blessings. I use them as bookmarks because they stay in place and I can use them to mark exactly where I left off on a page (I'm not someone who has to read until the end of a chapter or anything like that, I'll put a book down halfway through a page.) I also use them to mark favorite quotes or scenes without having to mark up my actual book. I would be so lost without the many different forms of post-its. I use a certain size for bookmark vs. a certain size for quotes. Also, just to make myself even weirder, I also use specific color to match the book I'm reading... don't judge.

4. Matching Books/Series

We all know that there is nothing more satisfying than having a complete set of books that are equal in design/stature/etc. A few examples from my shelves:

Ah, satisfaction...
Perfect! (the far right is paperback,
hence smaller size)
And... disaster. Why is the first one only available in mass market? I don't know. This is a case of schadenfreude.

5. The Brandon Sanderson Progress Bar

This man is magic. Not only does he write like a magician and madman, he also keeps us all updated with a progress bar! You can always have a general idea of what he is working on and how far along he is on it. He also writes a million things at a time while still doing other things in life as well. Like I said, he's magic.

As of 11/22/17
Is that not the most beautiful, useful thing ever? We Sanderson fans are spoiled.

6. Goodreads

Honestly, Goodreads is so great. I also like to great an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of what I've read (and I use one for an inventory of my books, not Goodreads for that), but this is the most convenient and useful tool ever. I love Goodreads.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Extravagant Fictional Feasts!

Extravagant Fictional

If you live in the United States, as I do, then you are probably aware of the fact that this Thursday is Thanksgiving! (And if you didn't know that and it's news to you, then don't worry--it really snuck up on us this year!) For many people, the highlight of Thanksgiving is getting to stuff your face with a large array of delicious food--and, uh, you know, spending time with those we love, of course.

Jokes aside, feasts are always fun to partake in, and they're even pretty fun to read about sometimes. I decided to make a short post about some of the more extravagant feasts in literature that I've read. I know I'm missing a lot a great feasts, but these are the ones that came to mind, so bon appétit!

I also look at food this way.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling: The first feast in the Great Hall
Oh man are the Great Hall feasts the things of my dreams. Food that magically appears on tables? (Yes, I know the hosue elves made it and I would be so thankful.) A wide variety of foods? I would gain so much weight if I went to Hogwarts, but let's be honest--who cares!?

"Harry’s mouth fell open. The dishes in front of him were now piled with food. He had never seen so many things he liked to eat on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup and, for some strange reason, mint humbugs....

 ...When everyone had eaten as much as they could, the remains of the food faded from the plates, leaving them sparkling clean as before. A moment later the puddings appeared. Blocks of ice-cream in every flavour you could think of, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate éclairs and jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, jelly, rice pudding… As Harry helped himself to a treacle tart, the talk turned to their families."

Feast of Sorrow: A Novel of Ancient RomeFeast of Sorrow by Crystal King: Thrasius' first meal creation with his new master
Now, not everything in this feast appeals to me, but if this isn't an extravagantly, no-holds-barred meal, then I don't know what is. Ancient Roman fare at its finest. I actually have a Classical cookbook that features Ancient Greek/Roman recipes with some of the stuff from this book, so I may have to give it a go some time...

"I would begin with a gustatio of salad with peppers and cucumbers, melon with mint, whole meal bread, soft cheese, and honey cake."...."Then pomegranate ice to cleanse the palate, followed by a cena prima of saffron, chickpeas, Parthian chicken, peppered morsels in wine, mussels, and oysters. If I had more time, I would also serve a stuffed suckling pig. And to close, a pear patina, along with deep-fried honey fritters, snails, olives, and, if you have it on hand, some wine from Chios or Puglia."

The Hobbit (Middle-Earth Universe)The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien: Bilbo's uninvited meal
I already know that if I were to choose any fantasy world/land to live in, it would be Middle Earth, specifically Hobbiton. I would fit in with the residents of Hobbiton perfectly, and one minor reason for that is because of their love of food. One of my favorite scenes is when everyone invades Biblo's home and help themselves to anything, mainly because it's hilarious and I am also 100% Bilbo in this scene. But also, the food sounds amazing! For example:

"Already it had almost become a throng. Some called for ale, and some for porter, and one for coffee, and all of them for cakes; so the hobbit was kept very busy for a while. A big jug of coffee bad just been set in the hearth, the seed-cakes were gone, and the dwarves were starting on a round of buttered scones, when there came-a loud knock. I hope there is something left for the late-comers to eat and drink!" 

"What's that? Tea! No thank you! A little red wine, I think, for me."
"And for me," said Thorin. 
"And raspberry jam and apple-tart," said Bifur. 
"And mince-pies and cheese," said Bofur. 
"And pork-pie and salad," said Bombur. 
"And more cakes-and ale-and coffee, if you don't mind," called the other dwarves through the door. "Put on a few eggs, there's a good fellow!" Gandalf called after him, as the hobbit stumped off to the pantries. "And just bring out the cold chicken and pickles!"

The Count of Monte CristoThe Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
It's been so long since I've read this book, and it's really due for a re-read, but I do remember a certain feast that I wanted to include. Confession, though: I don't like seafood. Like... any seafood. I don't eat shrimp, fish, oysters *shudder*... I just don't. So this feast doesn't sound amazing to me, but I know for those that do like seafood, this feast would be fantastic, so this is for you, seafood-lovers!

"When they began to pass around the dusky, piquant, Arlesian sausages, and lobsters in their dazzling red cuirasses, prawns of large size and brilliant color, the echinus with its prickly outside and dainty morsel within, the clovis, esteemed by the epicures of the South as more than rivalling the exquisite flavor of the oyster, North. All the delicacies, in fact, that are cast up by the wash of waters on the sandy beach, and styled by the grateful fishermen “fruits of the sea.”

A Christmas Carol: The Original Manuscript EditionA Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
This feast just sounds so home-y and delicious. This particular meals sound rather simple and classic, but completely perfect.

"There never was such a goose. Bob said he didn’t believe there ever was such a goose cooked. Its tenderness and flavour, size and cheapness, were the themes of universal admiration. Eked out by apple-sauce and mashed potatoes, it was a sufficient dinner for the whole family; indeed, as Mrs. Cratchit said with great delight (surveying one small atom of a bone upon the dish), they hadn’t ate it all at last! Yet every one had had enough, and the youngest Cratchits in particular, were steeped in sage and onion to the eyebrows! But now, the plates being changed by Miss Belinda, Mrs. Cratchit left the room alone — too nervous to bear witnesses — to take the pudding up and bring it in."

The Great GatsbyThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Leave it to Gatsby to bring out extravagant foods! This is the food of the wealthy, and I wouldn't mind being a guest and being able to try all of these different liquors and such--uh, I mean, foods. 😉

"At least once a fortnight a corps of caterers came down with several hundred feet of canvas and enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby’s enormous garden. On buffet tables, garnished with glistening hors-d’oeuvre, spiced baked hams crowded against salads of harlequin designs and pastry pigs and turkeys bewitched to a dark gold. In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail was set up, and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long forgotten that most of his female guests were too young to know one from another."

Would you like to try any of these extravagant literary feasts? Are there any you particularly like from other books? Let me know!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Things I'm Thankful For

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly book blog meme hosted by the lovely girls over at The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a Thanksgiving freebie, so I have chosen to keep it simple and go with ten bookish things I'm thankful for!

1. The Tumblr booklr community. I most likely wouldn't even have this book blog right now without Tumblr and the incredible booklr community. Everyone was so welcoming and fun and I finally felt like I had found a place where I could spend time with those who are just as passionate as I am about books.

2. Indie book stores. I will admit that I buy many of my books from Amazon and library sales and the like because I am broke and I can't always afford to go to a bookstore, but I am trying to change that and I truly appreciate all the indie bookstores out there. They are some of the unsung heroes of the book world, and I absolutely love stumbling upon (or seeking out) some indie bookstores wherever I go. Earlier in the year I created a brief series spotlighting some indie bookstores throughout the U.S. that were nominated by my lovely Tumblr followers, so feel free to go check that out to find out about some awesome indie bookstores! (Part One, Part Two, Part Three)

Image result for goodreads logo3. Goodreads. Say what you want about Goodreads and some of its flaws, you can't deny that this is a great source to keep track of yours books, connect with others who like to read, and discover tons of great new books. I particularly love the 'lists' section, which has introduced me to so many great books - though I try to avoid lists with 100+ books... that's just way too intimidating. I use Goodreads as my main method of tracking my books (though I am currently working on a spreadsheet as well), and it is perfect for what I need, not to mention it is a great way to keep track of bookish things!

Image result for book riot
4. Book Riot. For some reason, I wasn't a fan of this site when I first stumbled upon it a year or so ago. Why? I honestly have no idea. Now I love it. Not only is insanely passionate about all things books, but it focuses so much on the bigger issues that plague the publishing industry, such as diversity in literature, reading stigmas and stereotypes, and so much more. I also love all of their podcasts have been introduced to so many great books because of them.

5. Libraries. Do I really even need to go into this? Even though I often rag on my library a little bit because it is so incredibly small and doesn't really do all that much, it is one of the top ways in which I obtain books. I mean, come on - free books!? Granted, they have to be returned, but I don't even care. Interlibrary loans have allowed me to read so much, and for that I am eternally grateful. Libraries are also so important to so many communities, and I hope to always support local libraries whenever and however I can.

6. Authors and writers everywhere. Okay, I know this one is just a tad broad, but I truly can't even put into words how appreciative I am for every author I've ever read. Even if it was a horrible book that I hated. I am still so thankful that I have been able to experience so many different worlds, ideas, people, places, and so much more! In fact, I originally wanted to make this Top Ten Tuesday about authors/books I'm thankful for, but that quickly spiraled out of control...

7. Booktube. So not only do I get to read about books on the internet and listen to them from podcasts, but I also get to watch people talk about and show off their beautiful book on the internet! The Booktube community is not without its faults, and I certainly have my favorites and no-so-favorites, but pushing that all aside, the basis of this entire idea is absolutely wonderful. I love watching book hauls, reviews, recommendation videos, tags, you name it!

8. Open-mindedness. Specifically, open-mindedness within the book communities. Everyone is so open toe everything, and I love it. Discussions are always welcome, and people are free to agree and (respectfully) disagree all the time. I feel like I am in a very safe space, and I often forget that not everyone is as open and friendly about things as those I often interact with on the internet. And I love the push for more diversity that has really taken root - it is absolutely needed and I am so glad more and more people are taking a stand every day.

9. Netgalley. As a book blogger (and avid reader in general), Netgalley is a gift. ARCs in general are awesome, but Netgalley brings that opportunity to read advanced copies to so many more people and it is a great resource to have a chance to read some amazing new releases!

10.. Other book bloggers. Seriously. You guys are all amazing, and I wouldn't even care about my own blog if I didn't have other blogs to enjoy as well. Each and every book blog out there - no matter how big or small, no matter whether you host giveaways or only post reviews are or mainly post book related content or anything else - contributes so much to the community and I love nothing more than interacting with you all. I don't think I could ever complete a full list of all of the blogs I enjoy, but just know that I love you all.

What bookish things are you thankful for? Feel free to share in the comments!